The Right Motive

Iremember when the job I wanted out of college was to assist a world-renown speaker as she traveled the world. For some reason, I thought it had Tishonna Hicks’ name written all over it. When someone else was selected, I was so mad, upset, and frustrated. I didn’t...

Will You Pay the Price?

Let’s admit- we like what we have and we always want more, but it’s not fun to let things go. I remember watching MTV’s Cribs and it highlighting all the cars, homes, and luxuries celebrities possessed. Some celebrities would say nonchalantly, “Yeah, I just wanted it...

I Want HER Life

One of the things we are not so willing to admit (and some of us don’t even realize we do) is compared ourselves to others. Let’s face it, if we didn’t compare ourselves to others, several of us would be content with what we have and where we are at in life, but, we...

The Perfectionist

Today, I get to talk to all the people who put pressure on themselves to be perfect. You have to have it ALL together, 100% of the time, do things flawlessly with no mistakes and won’t (can’t) fall short (because it’s not an option to fall short) of giving people...

Small Beginnings

Ihave a one-year-old and a three-year-old, so I still remember when they were tiny little babies. Could you imagine if I held them in my hands and told them right out of the womb, “Because you are little, you are insignificant. You mean nothing. You won’t amount to...

There’s Only Room for One Superstar

I remember, just a months ago (confession time), I was sitting on my couch after work. No one was home, so I started stargazing, thinking about what Dream Again would one day be. I saw talk shows, book signings, conferences, community service initiatives, and programs...