Tishonna At Home: Can You Help Me?

One phrase that is so hard for us to ask is, “Can You Help Me?” – We don’t want people to see us in a different light. We don’t want to be vulnerable. We’ve been disappointed when we’ve asked for help in our past. We think we are forever indebted to the giver....

Our Six Months Journey

Oh I knew I was in for a huge test when we moved out of our first home and into a hotel with arrangements already set in place to get keys to our new home within a three-week time span. When that three weeks turned to four months of shut doors during our home search...

Self Love

Ihave a one-year-old and a three-year-old, so I still remember when they were tiny little babies. Could you imagine if I held them in my hands and told them right out of the womb, “Because you are little, you are insignificant. You mean nothing. You won’t amount to...

No Room for Short Cuts! It takes WERK!

This week’s blog and video is simply just to remind you that there are no shortcuts in achieving the goals that you’ve set for yourself. You can’t cheat the system. If you want it as badly as you say you do, you have to put in the time, the effort, the research, the...

Waiting To Hear What they May Never Say

In a prior blog, I talked about having the right motives in all we do. Additionally, I provided some questions that could help steer us along in case our motives needed checking. I want to stop for a moment and piggy-back off of one of those questions because I...