I remember, just a months ago (confession time), I was sitting on my couch after work. No one was home, so I started stargazing, thinking about what Dream Again would one day be. I saw talk shows, book signings, conferences, community service initiatives, and programs to help get the dreams of others off the ground. My mind was going wild! That excitement, however, started turning into frustration- God, why isn’t this happening now for me? Why are You doing this for other people and not me? Out of all these questions, I was asking, there was one word that resounded louder than any other: Me, me, me, me….(It didn’t help, either, that I was going through Facebook comparing myself to all these different people).

While scrolling, all of a sudden, the Revelation Song (https://www.facebook.com/victoryfortoday/videos/145714729392158/) started to play, referring to the scripture of the Lord sitting on his Throne in Heaven while four creatures surrounded Him. These creatures took off their crowns (a representation of high position, stature, and power), laid them down and said, “You are worthy, OUR Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power for all created things.” They willingly laid the very thing that brought attention to themselves to bring attention to the one who matters most- The Lord.

Just think about it, a King or Queen could walk through a crowd of “commoners” and the very thing that gives anyone an indication of who they are is their crown. Being dressed a certain way or even talking a certain way isn’t enough to get the respect and attention a crown does. A crown signifies victory, triumph, and royal blood. It represents superiority and leadership. We all wear crowns to a certain degree…that thing that we do very well, the great possession that gives us attention, even the things that others may not recognize us for but that which we cling to that defines us or makes us recognize ourselves. We like the attention it brings to us, the recognition it gives to us, and the sense of fulfillment it provides. It’s hard to let go of something that gives us worth.

So, there I was, wanting to see my name in flashing lights (so to speak), and I, for a second, lost sight of what I was doing all this for To bring God glory. We ask all these things of God, tell Him what we want, and give Him a long list of demands. When we get nothing but silence as His response, we must ask the question, “WHY?” Why do you want that new house? So people can be in awe? Why do you want that car? So you can feel important? Why do you want the promotion? To get lots of money to spend it frivolously? Why do you need to get married right this second? Several of our reasons point back to ourselves when our main objective should be to give God glory!  So, I had to repent and say, “Keep me hidden until it’s about YOU. Don’t you open up one door until it’s about YOU? Don’t’ give me a pedestal until YOUR name is the first thing I mention. Don’t give it to me if YOU are not apart of the valleys, peaks, the process, and the podium. I don’t want it if it’s not about YOU.

Please take a step back and check your motives. Move aside and let God have the spotlight. When they see you, let them see God. After all, He’s the author of your life’s story. He’s the true Superstar, and once He takes His rightful position and you place your crown on His head, that’s when amazing things begin to happen. I stand in faith believing this for myself and believing this for you. BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS NOT ONLY FOR HIM BUT FROM HIM. For Daily Devotions, challenge and video, click here.

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